In-game name: Mattkkk12345
Age: 14
Location: England
Timezone: GMT 0
Join Date: Not exactly sure, but joined the server in July 2012, became a member in march 2013.
Were you recommended by any staff?: Nope.
Why you should become an Operator: As building is definitely not my forte, i'd have plenty of time to moderate the server, don't get me wrong, I know when i see good builds, I just lack the creativity to make them. I understand being an Operator is a large responsibility, however I feel up to the job. I have had past experience as staff on other servers so I understand the majority of commands used day in day out. I'm also a very active player in-game and on the forums, checking it regularly. I'd love to be an addition to the Staff team and to help progress the Opticraft community onto Creative. Thank you for your consideration.
~ Matt