Ingame name: MikeWeirauchJoin date: I joined Smp on April 11, 2012. I joined Creative during the Beginning of December
Briefly describe all your creations:I have my Guest to recruit builds which are as follows: Quartz temple with a fountain in the center (Guest6) And a small to medium size house connected by path to the temple (Guest6)
My Application building is a Building made up of Stone and similar materials that I hope to turn into something much bigger (Just short on space in the world I am in.) Its Just under maximum height and roughly 150k blocks with almost no finished interior. The reason for the unfinished interior is I have plans for a large amount of redstone to incorporate into the designs on the inside and outside and I don't want to proceed to far just to rip out large amounts of finish work for the redstone to be done right. There is also A chunk of the top building that needs t be built after redstone is something I have access to.
What world/s are the creations on: Guest6(guest to recruit builds) Recruit4(builder application build(/home MikeWeirauch:recruit))
Links to screenshots of the creation: of players who helped contribute:I was the builder and designer for the entire project, I had quite a few people look to see what they think, just a few would be: Al, ZeldaBot, Doug and numerous others.
Extra (Anything else you want to mention): I would like to thank anyone and everyone who stopped by to comment, look, critique, assist with ideas, or help in any way shape or form. If this isn't enough to get me to the next phase of the build I will gladly build the other sections somewhere else and hopefully merge them one day.
Thank you for your consideration Opticraft Staff.