1. I don't deny doing it, i understand it was wrong and i know it was stupid
2. we are separate accounts, the only reason i have added that to my brothers appeal now is because i have only just started playing minecraft again.
3. I dont use mods anymore and will never again use mods on minecraft.
4. I have learned something and that is to not use mods anymore... I just want to play on the server, that is all.
what kind of better reasons can i give you other than that i dont use mods anymore because its pointless because it wold just result in me being banned again. How can i prove to you that i wont do this again and that i just want to play on the server with my friends... It's been two years, i've grown up since then.
EDIT: I just found this post from a couple of years ago showing the moderator who banned me, unbanning me as i apologised etc. please look at this
-Bricker2011 (Chloe)