In-game name: PIXELDUDE2001
Age: 13
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Timezone: UTC+10:00
Join Date: Joined SMP June 10, 2012 and creative in December 2014
Were you recommended by any staff?:
Why you should become an Operator:
I have been a member of the Opticraft community for a long time and though I have never been staff on opticraft before, I have experience on other servers and I now know all the the necessary commands and such that are used by staff on a daily basis. There seems to be a large period each day during which the server is often in need of staff. Iam usually available to play during this time period and happy to contribute as much time as I can. Though I am often quite immature and just having fun, I am able to be mature when necessary and deal with issues or prevent them before they arise. I would love to come on every day and help players out with whatever they need and I love the opticraft community.
Thanks guys, ~Pixel
(Edited to make more sense)