Hey Opticrafters,
It's been a while since I've posted on the forums, let alone play some Minecraft with you all. This would be because I'm currently deployed in the Middle East. I'll be here for another month fixing planes and making money. It's really hot here.
During my time here, I'm pretty sure the heat and lack of use kinda fucked with my laptop. The sound only works for the first few minutes then cuts out and it overheats really easy (In A/C'ed rooms). I cant get it back no matter what I try. My laptop's going on 3 years so I do plan on building a rig during the fall/winter after paying some bills; however, I haven't really payed much attention to the PC market in 2015/2016 despite taking a computer hardware repair class during winter. I can build, I just don't know what to get or why lol. I don't really have too much time to search here due to 12hr+ workdays and terrible wi-fi. Any pointing in the right direction is appreciated.
- $800-ish budget
- Games I plan on running: GTA5, No Man's Sky, Battlefield 1
- Relatively compact
- Bonus: Family friendly - My mom always asks for my laptop to print shit, I don't want it 100% gaming-oriented
Thanks in advance!