Name: Chance Carey (IGN: chancecarey)
Age: Twelve, but i'm mature, ask the old players that know me
Location: Born in australia, live in United Arab Emirates (Dubai)
Timezone: GMT +4
Join date: Thursday December 16, 2010
Forum Join date: December 14, 2010
Current rank: Builder
Reason for application: I like this server, I have been a builder for a while and as you can see in,2227.0.htmland,2213.0.htmlthe most I can do to prevent griefers from being a nuisance is to post on the forum.
Especially since in my time zone there are not a whole bunch of operators online!
Why you should become an operator: Im an experienced op on a few SAMP servers, used to run my own sucessful server (not minecraft, in case your wondering!).
Extra information: Currently coding the OGP (Optical game player), which should be a good product for all opti users once finished!
The reason i'm applying is because I cant but feel helpless when players complain to me about griefers, such as the mentioned reallygoodguy etc etc.
Im not the best builder in the world, so I don't feel as if I would be able to become a crafter, afterall, all that I need to be able to do to help the server is kick some grieferers!
PS: If I get declined/rejected, please tell me if its my age. Im mature, ask some of my old friends who are now ops, but I hope my age won't pull me down.
PPS: Im pretty sure it was my comment that got the op applications reopened due to the timezones!
EDIT: Rereading your op guidelines incase I missed anything, I would be happy to change from building to moderating!
Never was the perfect builder anyway, but can still build the odd fort if needed