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Author Topic: Operator Application for Bahraindude_2497  (Read 1280 times)

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Operator Application for Bahraindude_2497
« on: May 02, 2011, 02:12:31 pm »
Name: Bahraindude_2497
Age: 13
Location: Bahrain
Timezone: +2:00 GMT
Join date: 9 April
Forum Join date: 12 April
Current rank: Recruit (but applying for builder)
Reason for application: Ive been playing on the opticraft server for nearlly a month now and i feel that ive have done well in that time and thanks to opticraft i bought the beta and am thououghly enjoying it! Anyway Opticraft is my favorite server and is the second most popular on the minecraft website but yet whenever i see somones work getting greifed the operators leave them unnoticed and they then have to restart their building again finishing it an hour later than when it should have been done. Also when i play there arent enough ops in my time zone to ban greivers or mark and rank guests work so i would like to fill that slot for my time zone (middle east +2:00 GMT).

Why you should become an operator:  I have been commited to playing Opticraft that  since i started this account and have been playing as much as i can (my mum is threatening me to stop playing) but once i start somthing i dont stop. I am deicated to my position. my Rank.
Now i may be a recruit (applying for builder) but it isnt the rank that counts, its the way you treat the game and how you respect everyone else in what they do. I want to be an operator because right now there is only one op online (Jobi101) can he was finding it difficuilt to ban greifer, repair bulding and mark guest's building but if there were two ops in my timezone everything would be much easier  for ops if they have someone to work with. So all in one i want to be independat to the people in my time zone and help them if they need help. Thank-you.

Have you been temp-op before?: no
Extra information: If this application gets rejected can you explain wether it was my time zone, my reason or other. THANKS!


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Re: Operator Application for Bahraindude_2497
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2011, 04:33:19 am »