Ingame name:
ghaloiJoin date:
3/06/2011Briefly describe all your creations:
i made a big hotel like builder at the guest world (most likely griefed) and i made a hige kingdom with high detail in the new recruit world, next to the pyramid house to the right of spawn.What worlds are the creations on:hotel on guest, kingdom on new recruit world.
Links to screenshots of the creation:
the hotel like thing.i was told by grand_chill that i could post a video for my kingdom, as it is too big to take screenshots (too many screenies) of players who helped contribute:
no one, me, myself and I What is your current rank in Opticraft ?:
recruitExtra (Anything else you want to mention)
i have spent over 11 hours in both projects, making sure i use the highest of deatil i can possbly use, (yes i know i can do better, but getting builder would give me alot more motivation Do you agree with our terms( ?:
yes, i do.