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Author Topic: [BUILDER] Sku11hax  (Read 1249 times)

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[BUILDER] Sku11hax
« on: July 13, 2011, 07:56:44 pm »
Ingame name: Sku11hax
Join date: 22/01/2011 (DD/MM/YY)
Briefly describe all your creations: I've been building several things with my friends, so we have split the work.
What I've built so far is, a House that isn't too impressive but large with 2 pools,
 An Island with a cave and a bridge (surrounded by water),
 Ahuge trainstation with a train inside of it with seats (It's nice ;)),
 A huge hotel with a reception, 3 floors with 4 rooms on each floor, and a roof with a pool & beachball,
 A huge pool area where 1 pool is kinda messed up (i didn't create that pool),
 Also i would like to add that i helped several people get Recruit by giving them /water and /lava, i also helped a person build a big dice in the air.
What worlds are the creations on: Recruit, and Recruit15.
Links to screenshots of the creation:
Names of players who helped contribute:GavinHardison, Duckie33, RealCreativity
What is your current rank in Opticraft ?: Recruit
Extra (Anything else you want to mention): I like to help people with their work and i will be online alot to build more amazing things :)
Do you agree with our terms( ?: Yes
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 -"Like one of the bad guys"


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Re: [BUILDER] Sku11hax
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2011, 08:15:19 pm »
Please build more stuff and try to make them bigger and i would also like to see more detail in your builds. Also i can see that you and RealCreativity built the hotel and the train station and the island together. Try building youre next few builds alone.
