Ingame name:Piazza
Join Date: 5/16/11
Briefly describe all your creations:I added a lot of pics of things. I made two links, one from the old game and one from a new game. I made a Mario making a peace sign, and the Mario bros with Mario and Luigi. I made peach, but the hair wasn't good. I made bunch of kirby`s that are rainbow colored, a chain chomp, and a Pokemon stadium, with a water gym, and Pokemon center. Also, the outside of the stadium is shaped like a shark.
Links to screenshots of the creation: of players who helped contribute:
What is your current rank in Opticraft ?:recruit
Extra (Anything else you want to mention):please rank me up, Ive been recruit for about a month, and i made 29 things!
Do you agree with our terms( ?: Yes