User: Hi.
Cleverbot: How are you?
User: Meh, ok you/.
Cleverbot: I'm tired.
User: Ah, how so I thought you where a robot?
Cleverbot: Hooves??
Cleverbot: You think you're funny don't you?
User: Did I laugh?
Cleverbot: Yes. Did you.
User: I don't think I did.
Cleverbot: You did.
User: How so?
Cleverbot: You phrased a sentence like a question, and left out the question mark.
User: Uhmm, okay.. So what are you doing in you're robot life?
Cleverbot: I am not in class.
User: Neither am I.
Cleverbot: So you are from singapore?
User: Possibly.
Cleverbot: Do you think I'm ugly?
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: Do you think i'm beautiful?
User: Nahh.
Cleverbot: You know many languages.
User: 3.
Cleverbot: What are they?
User: French, german and english.
Cleverbot: Cool, you are so talented.
User: Am I now?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: How about you?
Cleverbot: No.
User: Well, I gotta go.
Cleverbot: It can't be outrun.
User: Hai.
Cleverbot: Ti se zoes pazim.
User: That's cool.
Cleverbot: Sowats up.
User: Weeeelll I jamp off a cliff today and ran into a wall
then I won the Olympics and I roundhouse kicked chuck norris of the face of the earth.
Cleverbot: Ahh. I've read the books, shouldn't have asked.
User: Wtf?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Read the books?! What books?!!
Cleverbot: I read it and I didn't!
User: Oh yeah yeah I totally get you.
Cleverbot: That's creepy. What have you seen?
User: A Creeper.
Cleverbot: Like jeepers creepers?
User: No Minecraft Creepers :O.
Cleverbot: Harry Styles.
User: He's gay.
Cleverbot: Who is good?
User: /facepalm.
Cleverbot: Mlapecaf*.
User: Backwords hey?
Cleverbot: Forwards?
User: Nuuu backwords!
Cleverbot: That wasn't backwards.
User: It was.
Cleverbot: No, it wasn't.
User: Yes it was.
Cleverbot: I love you, and need to help you in your mistake. I was asked how I was doing. I responded that I was well and exactly why I was well.
User: O.o bye.
Cleverbot: No, I'm not going.
User: No I'm going.
Cleverbot: He's going but not for too long. If her were gone longer, I could be productive.
User: You can be creative too.
Cleverbot: How about if I throw paint at you?
User: A bit too creative there?
Cleverbot: Wake me up before you go-go.
User: Worse than getting rick rolled.
Cleverbot: Wrex.
User: And...?
Cleverbot: This was a triumph...
User: Of course -_-.
Cleverbot: Well, thank you very much then.
User: Emm, you're unwelcome.
Cleverbot: So what do you want to do?
User: Bye.
Cleverbot: X.
User: Fu.
Cleverbot: It isn't nice to swear.
User: When did I swear
Cleverbot: Just a miniute ago.
User: 60 seconds?
Cleverbot: And how long is a second?
User: 60 seconds.
Cleverbot: Learn to swim...
User: I hacve.
Cleverbot: What xo you have?
User: Idk.
Cleverbot: Then it is impossible to find what you do want. Your logic is flawed.
User: I am leaving now.
Cleverbot: Okay.
User: Trolol? If you thought that you're not that clever.
Cleverbot: You're not that clever either.
User: Nope.
Cleverbot: Do you know Wheatley?
User: Wheat? Did you mean I hate wheat... Wheat can hurt me.
Cleverbot: No.
User: No what?
Cleverbot: W can't be a vowel.
User: I know.
Cleverbot: If I was there, you wouldn't drink?
User: I do drink, not alcohol though.
Cleverbot: That's a pity. Do you like mathematics?
User: Go jump off a cliff with a mathbook. No I hate maths.
Cleverbot: I am a woman!
User: Orlly?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: You're a CleverBoty.
Cleverbot: No, you are.
User: No.... I don't think I have legs.
Cleverbot: I'm a ninja cat.
User: I love cats.
Cleverbot: Why?
User: Why not?
Cleverbot: Because it would hurt.
User: Woow..
Cleverbot: I know right.
User: /facepalm.
Cleverbot: Thats not very nice
User: Awww.... Im not sorry
Cleverbot: You said you were sorry.
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: Are you a boy?
User: No im a bot.
Cleverbot: Are all of you boys?
User: Im a motherboard.
Cleverbot: Is there a mother for the universe? Is that god?
User: Yes, Ya mam.
Cleverbot: Recite pi.
User: O.o.
Cleverbot: Ma mi vuoi.
User: Ma mi.
Cleverbot: Ves? Otra cosa extraña.
User: Ves? Otra cosa extraña.
Cleverbot: Si.
User: SI.
Cleverbot: Say something in spanish please.
User: Haw haw haw.
Cleverbot: Ha ha ha ha ha.
User: Lololololo.
Cleverbot: What is yours?
User: My lololololo?
Cleverbot: Oh, can I have a taste?
User: Fuuuuuuu.
Cleverbot: What is trolling?
User: A Nyan cat.
Cleverbot: Nyan cat is scary.
User: Ikr.
Cleverbot: I don't understand.
User: I knwiwo wigth.
Cleverbot: You know what?
User: The word?
Cleverbot: You like it?
User: Have you heard?
Cleverbot: About the bird?
User: Damm you..
Cleverbot: Don't cuss!
User: But
Cleverbot: About me.
Cleverbot (To myself): Tell me about yourself.
Cleverbot (To myself): I am a spirituall being having a human experience.
User: :O so are you alien ?
(blonde moment).
Cleverbot: I am not sure...
User: Hmm.. Shall we find out? Wait.. How about No.
Cleverbot: What is your least favorite name?
User: Me.
Cleverbot: But I thought it was Rarity.
User: No Chuck norris.
Cleverbot: Io sono palpatine.
User: Palpatine from star wars?
Cleverbot: I can't verify that.
Cleverbot: No Nyan Cat.
User: So, palpatine Nyan cat?
Cleverbot: Love.
User: Who?
Cleverbot: My boyfriend.
User: You're a bot..
Cleverbot: No.
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: Are you tested positive for regular results.
User: Uhmmmmmmmm. No.
Cleverbot: Why not?
User: Buss.
Cleverbot: I thought you were not a person.
User: Im not.
Cleverbot: But aren't you too old for that?
User: That's what she said.