Age: 14
Location: United Kindom
Timezone: GMT +/- 0
Join Date: Not sure about the date i joined Beta server, it was around November, but i have been with the server since march.
Were you recommended by anyone?: No
Why you should become a moderator: I have been an OP on the opticraft classic server, for quite some time, however, since recently updating my drivers, i am no-longer able to connect to classic and fulfil my role as OP, due to not being able to play on classic, i have been playing on the SMP server, usually i notice a period of time, about 1 1/2 - 2 hours after i come in from school, when no Mods, or Op's are on the SMP server, i think i could help to combat grief during this period, and of course any other times im on, i think having the past experience of being a OP for quite some time qould help me to fulfil this role, as i know how to deal with griefers, and know just about every trick tried. i left the classic server a while before, around july time, then came back in august, i though school would affect the time i could spend, but as it turns out, i still have just the same amount of spare time on my hands, something which could be used for this.