Title: Blackphoenix13's Moderator Application
Moderator Application - Blackphoenix13
Age: 17
Location: Oak Harbor, OH
Timezone: EST
Join Date:December 18, 2011, 06:48:17 am
Were you recommended by anyone?: No, I was not,
Why you should become a moderator: I feel I should become a Moderator because I feel that at time the current mods are not on. This is of course not their fault because they
are really busy at times, whether in the game, or in their actual lives. Ii just want to try and help this problem, and be able to help those in trouble. I also have felt the
pain of being griefed when your working on a really sweet project, and I would like to aid this issue. I also hope that the fact that I am only a recruit on the classic server
does not hurt my chances, because I feel this does not properly represent my personal responsibility. I promise to help anyone , and to prevent anyone trying to ruin the fun that
is Opticraft.