Moderator Application - Nefroz
Age: 23
Location: Louisana Usa
Timezone: CST
Join Date: Jan 23 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: Deadlylead101/Drowse/Tobs/Raul7Legend
Why you should become a moderator: I'm online most mornings in my time zone, which is when a lot of members have been getting online and where the current mods have been having trouble keeping up work loads. I do my best to help members out as is, answering questions when I can, Placing water when mods are not online or busy with grief. I'm online in mumble all the time, and most everyone knows who I am that stays in mumble. I'd say I'm fairly trusted by most of the staff as they've let me assist them in a few of their builds and designs, and am an all around nice guy. I've also ran my own servers from other games at moderate success, as well as been rule enforcers/Admin/Gm/Whatever various name they are called, on a few other games since I was 15. Just let me know what you guys think thanks for the review!