Hello Opticraft,
I am a viewer and a fan of Sneakymodes Lifestream:
WomcastThe last Sunday he had an over 12 hours Lifestream-Event with over 600 Viewers.
One Idea was to all join a minecraft server and to play together and build something awesome.
Unfortunately we found no server with enough capacity or rather with some mods who keep the chat clean.
Then i found your server and i wanted to ask if we could join the server with all the Lifestream viewers.
It would be better, if Sneaky could talk with an admin and he could arrange it before.
So this is not an advertisment or anything. I think both sides would benefit from the Event. Some new people will certain join the Opticraft server. And it would be very fun if some of you could join the Lifestream and we will build something very big together.