Age: 17
Location: CA, USA
Timezone:Pacific Time Zone (USA)
Join Date:February 25, 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: Xeadin, Logan5353
Why you should become a moderator: I have been playing Minecraft for a long time. I have been admins on many servers so i have a lot a experience with managing a lot of people. I play about 4-5 hours on weekdays and about 9 hours weekends. I love to help people with things they need and I am liked by many people on this server. I am sensitive when it comes to people griefing, swearing, spamming. I only play on 1 server and that server is this server I have a lot of passion when it comes to Opticraft. Ever since I have started playing on this amazing server I have I have met many new people and new friends this server is an honor to be with. I know its a hard job and a lot to take on but I think I have the guts to start in a new territory.