Age: 17 this year.
Location: Singapore.
Timezone: GMT +8
Join Date: Immediately after Opti did the update connecting classic and smp(something like that), or if you mean join date on Opticraft overall, it's probably June 27 2011, around there.
Were you recommended by anyone?: iGrantyy_x, BigBadHenz and lLLEGAL
Why you should become a moderator: I don't think I'm the best for this job, but I should be able to help during this period of time of increased traffic.
I know from previous experience as a trial Operator on classic that I should have been more active and ban more instead of just undoing actions.
The new Antigrief system put in place by Opti seems to work quite well, if you think I'm not fit for the job, just reject me. I don't mind, Moderating is just an extra way for me to help the server.
I do wish to be able to tp to players and stop the griefers, often, I hear players saying "Help, so and so is griefing me!", and once I saw a griefer /home to a player made city and start griefing, as I stood by helpless.
I tried /helpop, but apparently there was no Mod/Op on.
I do hope to fill in the gap in this timezone, making life for the players in and around this timezone have a better experience on Opticraft.
I've learnt from my past mistake of being insufficiently active, and I would try my best if I am given the chance.
Ps. I've been a staff member on another SMP PvP server in the past few weeks, so I would think I have experience with this.
I don't mind if I was placed on trial, then rejected in the future, when there's no longer a need for the extra staff.
Thanks for reading.
(I'm not setting my hopes too high, as you can tell from the application, and I'm hoping that you can give me another chance to help out)