City name: Golum Town
City location: minace 2000 65 286 or just say /home yogifonoy and come out of my old home
Contributors: DeadlyLead (my chicken farm)
Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner): Smash148
Approximate dimensions: 200x200
Number of active residents: 11
Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: about 9
What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: Golum town is sort of greifed but not enough to be called trash, we tryed building a wall around it but it didnt work it os a nice town that has been here scinse i joined the server. And I plan to make it bigger.
Why should we grant this city protection? I think you should because A lot of people loke golum town and it was a fun, relaxing far away area, everyone always helps eachother out aand stuff like that thanks optical.