City name:Stettin
City location:0 x -1200 z by Northtown
Contributors:Zezenov, Tabooti, HaroMRSYaro, IGenerator, Wingsnut,gamingtwin711,Hamo1999,EliteDelta,
FriedrichK,otscookis,bigbeno37, ha1394 (Snow62),PazDaemon,ASEDRGGGGGGGGG,ninjaman726
Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner):Zezenov
Approximate dimensions:281x370
Number of active residents:Not entirely sure, lets go with 5 or 6 atm
Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings:26 and a bunch of others
What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any:It's pretty much finished, we'll be starting a new one soon
Why should we grant this city protection?We recently just hit our 1000th griefer and threw a little party. I think all the mods can attest for just how much time has been wasted repair the same things in this city over and over and over again. So that's why I think it needs city protection.