Project name:
Penguin City
Project location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name): 100penguin current 100penguin, Cupcakesmile2, DanceCrafter8, Several others digging etc.
Mayor / zone owner (Only one - this is the zone owner): 100penguin
Approximate dimensions: ~ 170 x ~ 500
Requested Flags:
Many, that I can do myself, including: Item frame destroy deny, interact allow, mobspawn deny, Snowfall deny, possibly changing the biome but probably not.
Number of active residents (if applicable): N/a
Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: 15 buildings built, several of which are purely functional, so are not 'furnished' as such. Other buildings could be furnished in future, however ideally residents could furnish them themselves to their own requirements. All buildings are decorated in my 'distinctive style'.
What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any:
I would like to attract residents to the area, and improve amenities such as those offered by the railway, and shopping areas. This whole area will hopefully be a functional trading area, rather than necessarily purely residential.
Why should we grant this project protection?
Although this project does not have any current residents (as it is not currently designed to) it requires protection purely for the addition of flags to make it function better. Many valuable items are found in the area that I would not appreciate going walkies.