Moderator Application - <Spyow7>
Age: 15
Location: United Kingdom
Timezone: London, England, United Kingdom.
Join Date: Late February, I think.
Were you recommended by anyone?: <Waited to be edited>
Why you should become a moderator: I'd love to become a moderator for the server, not just to help clear up grief, but to help the community, and all the players that play opticraft. If I were to become a moderator, I would not only help people with tickets, but I'd look around for potential griefers. I promise, if I become mod, to never abuse my powers, and use them towards my own advantage. I'd try my best to improve the server, and help out when no other mods are on. I'm also familar with most moderator commands, as I have been successful in applying for mod in other servers.
Even if I'm rejected, thankyou for taking the time to read this!