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Author Topic: THE ECONOMY CRISIS  (Read 5473 times)

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« Reply #15 on: April 16, 2012, 05:17:05 am »
Could someone explain to me why too much money on ther server is a bad thing? Is it because too many rich people on the server breaks the market system or something?  Wouldn't the people who aren't rich still have a need for the market to stay the way it is? Because raising the buying and lowering the sellback the prices due to a large amount of money in some people's pockets would only affect the people who don't have as much money (aka they would have a harder time making enough money to catch up to the rich people and run out of their money much faster).  This would also mean street prices would need to be raised too to compensate for the price changes, which I think would be unfair for everyone.

I'm no economist so I don't fully understand how to apply the supply, demand, inflation, and deflation aspects into minecraft but would these concepts even matter because its not like any specific material on this server will ever run out.  Even without the market system just about everything (aside from dirt, nether structures, end structures, dungeon and stronghold blocks) can be replenished.  Even iron and gold ore can be farmed from mobs albeit slowly. And of course, world generation can only increase those finite blocks.

All I'm saying is that with a market economy based on mostly infintely created items, there's no way to prevent the amount of money from growing higher and higher in the extreme long run.

Edit: I do realize that the ecomony is dynamic so prices are meant to fluctuate based on the supply and demand so I understand that whatever action is decided may "stablize" the economy for the time being but I feel my point will still stand in the extreme future.
I fully agree with what tbpb2010 is saying, we should just keep the economy the way it is, anyone with over 1 mil is only still making money for the bragging rights on the /baltop | most people aren't rich, the economy/market is good for them.



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« Reply #16 on: April 16, 2012, 06:35:16 pm »
I have made about 85k in one month only from melons and making a 10x10x10 protected melon farm only takes an hour and less investing around at 2,1k (1.500 for a small protection) and the rest for the tools lets say a diamond pickaxe. I do believe that melon prices are high but with just one farm its hard to make money. Now i have 3 farms and with an efficency II pickaxe i am making about 5x64 blocks of melons, wich is 4800$, in about every 45 minutes (giving time to melons to regenerate wich they do very fast). To get to the point , indeed are the melon prices high but for starters its hard to get and craft 9x64 melon slices in blocks.
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« Reply #17 on: April 16, 2012, 07:20:49 pm »
I currently have a auto melon farm with around 430 melons planted = big grin.


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« Reply #18 on: April 16, 2012, 08:47:57 pm »
Guys? I believe that the best farm is until 500 roots for no automated. For automated I dont know.
I have 280 roots automated and 900+ non. ANd I collect them once a week. I am so bored to collect them all the time.


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« Reply #19 on: April 16, 2012, 08:50:20 pm »
Guys? I believe that the best farm is until 500 roots for no automated.

I have no idea who told you that. They are wrong ^^