Age: 14
Location: UK
Timezone: GMT
Join Date: Mid-March (Approximate)
Were you recommended by anyone?: Nope :3
Why you should become a moderator:
Many of you may know that I've had a rough past in opticraft, there have been ups and downs, rows and bows, however I intend to wipe the board clean and start fresh.
I've been practicing on a friend's server being a mod, I've been taught commands, guidelines, and generally everything a mod is suited to do. Now, I know it's not all about the commands and guidelines, but I do have a little experience and am extremely capable of the requirements of a moderator. I love helping out, and have been on opticraft for a while, however want to take my opticraft experience to the next level! Hopefully this will at least be on trial and I will take that opportunity to show what I am really capable of.
I'm also very active with all the commitments to do with opticraft, such as mumble, the forums and also in-game alot.
Thank you for taking your time to read this, this will not be bumped unless necessary.
Sincerely, - Spyow7.