Ingame name: tiggy26668
Join date: Feb 16, 2012
Briefly describe all your creations: so far on this server I've created a panda ripping the head off a creeper, a panda riding a dragon carrying a sword and flag, an upside down collage of a beach house w/ blimp and boat adjacent, a replica model of my skin at the time (Goku), a Painted Turtle, and a whale killing a seal that's stabbing a panda in the back, that killed a penguin
when last i was rejected you were "interested in seeing another structure type build" so i spent 12 hrs and created a nice little tower for your consideration. it was made on guest and can now be found on recruit, though due to an oversight in transport it gained an extra office floor and lost the top globe, which is why the pattern changes in the middle between some pictures.
Added: 3rd times the charm? this time we have an epic little sand castle, it's made entirely of sand with the exception of the flags and floor, and uses the natural lighting of guest world to project shadows emphasizing the architecture of the castle, if that's not builder material i dunno what is.
What worlds are the creations on: First 5 were on guest world and the last on member,
tower built on guest, now on recruit
Added: Sand Castle Built on Guest774
Links to screenshots of the creation: of players who helped contribute: N/A
What is your current rank in Opticraft ?: Recruit
Extra (Anything else you want to mention):
I tend to create 3d statues more than anything, was never much for buildings some other examples of my work are here you agree with our terms( ?: Yes