We made some Creations On the Guest World-
By Hyp3HD, diva2000, s4mc14rk, xxpandasnip3rxx
-If you go the opposite way you face when you spawn (Away from the welcome sign) and go all the way till you can't go no more. This is where you will find us and our creations. We made an Airplane and s4mc14rk made a Rubix Cube by himself. There Are many houses and cabin + Pools of water and lava.
We found this area when we were trying to avoid Griefers but it still isn't working out well. We get griefed every time we log in, somone either ruins our house, or puts stuff in it.
My friend s4mc14rk ,I have to say, is our best builder, just because he built most of the stuff you see around his house now in ONE DAY!!!
-So Please, Check us out (And maybe promote us, but I'm not trying to push anything)