Opticraft Community

Discussion forum => Moderator Applications (CLOSED) => Legacy => Archives => Rejected => Topic started by: SalsaInABowl on November 27, 2012, 12:00:03 am

Title: Moderator Application - SnapeTheSnipe (Now SalsaInABowl)
Post by: SalsaInABowl on November 27, 2012, 12:00:03 am
Well, moderator applications have opened yet again. Thank you for taking the time to read mine. I will start, as I have in previous applications, by providing you the links to my previous moderator applications.

To read my first moderator application, click/tap here. (http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/topic,11168.0.html)

To read my second moderator application, click/tap here. (http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/topic,12818.0.html)

To read my third moderator application, click/tap here. (http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/topic,13895.0.html)

Age: 0
Location: Somewhere over the rainbow
Timezone: Right now
Join Date: January 2012
               Member: May 23
Were you recommended by anyone: No, but if you do, go ahead! Edit it in here.
Why you should be a Moderator:
Well once again, hello there. Thank you for reading this. I want to state out some major points before I begin this part. First off, I am a long time player of Opticraft and support it very much. I absolutely love this server, which is shown by my 11 months I have spent here. I have seen a lot if people rise up the ranks and even get moderator. There are some staff members I even remember their first day on here. I am a very active player, being able to get on almost everyday. I can usually get on everyday, in fact. Believe it or not, as I am writing this, I'm about to get on right now :P. And if I'm not ingame, I am very likely on the forums as I am now. I have (last time I checked, which is an awesome and lucky number) 777 total official posts. Including off topic, that number almost triples. I have invited many people onto the server, and tried to get as much support for Opticraft ad I can, helping out other players, inviting a total of 3 active players (ccshades, CALLYN1226, and CazualxGrenade) to play onto Opticraft. I have a completely empty ban record. A few kicks, I believe 2-3 for talking in the wrong channel (I am a bit forgetful in small details like that), just one kick (my first one) for trolling Kascas (which I have definitely learned my lesson about) and one for doing spleef countdown in global (Which I admit was my fault for not realizing how untrustworthy my brother is when I specifically told him how NOT to get in trouble). My Ban Lookup (http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/page,BanLookup.html?username=Snapethesnipe) says otherwise, but that was a mistake, shown here (http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/topic,14801.0.html) by my "ban appeal." I have definitely made a few mistakes, but I get over it and learn from it. I do not even ever use mods other than Optifine, even in single player. I am completely honest and fair in both sides of an argument, and I know when something shouldn't be happening and try to end it, such as an argument, and I know not to accuse people without getting any evidence beforehand. That's my moderator application, and just to recap in a small list:

Application summary:
•I am a long time player
•I am a very active player
•Zero ban record, few kicks
•I don't get stuck on mistakes, I learn from it and get over it
•I am an honest person
•I know how to deal with something the correct way, one that doesn't make it worse

A few small details that probably (in fact, almost certainly) will not help but I would like to share:
•I have donated to the server
•I have quite a bit of good friends on here and have invited 3 active players on here
•I have no intentions to do any harm to anyone on this server or to Opticraft itself
•I really love this server (like I said, I just wanted to share this, I know it doesn't help)
•I have known a lot of the staff members for a long time, since before they were even moderators
•I type using correct grammar and spelling at all times (Hardcore OCD right there :P)
•I NEVER let someone else on Opticraft using my account. Last time that happened, it went horrible.

I know you might not be as lenient to who you trust, especially after a recent incident with a few moderators, but I can strongly and surely tell you that I can truly be a moderator on Opticraft. Thank you for reading my moderator application, sorry for burning your eyes with this massive wall of text, and have a great day!

Edit- I would like to say thanks to CazualxGrenade. I also dedicate this to him as he has done to me, he is a really great guy, and I request if you are to promote either of us, it would greatly be appreciated it would be both. We like to stick together. Also, he is a really great guy, and plus pretty much helps me with a lot of stuff. Enderman farms, donations, slimes, and best of all, joining Opticraft. He will remain my favorite person on Opticraft, and nobody can take his place. He has been with me since we started Opticraft, and I even kept his room and his buildings and stuff (which he once referred to as his "birth certificates." Not like I disagree; I won't even get rid if anything I built from back then) and overall, and you guys know this well, he is just EPIC!!! Bromance. Bromance for Cazual. Great guy, consider him for moderator.

Edit edit- I have removed all of the information in the beginning portion now that it is no longer needed, but enjoy the sarcastic answers.
Title: Re: Moderator Application - SnapeTheSnipe
Post by: Wratkie on November 27, 2012, 12:32:13 am
You've been playing a long time, you know the rules well, good luck!
Title: Re: Moderator Application - SnapeTheSnipe
Post by: LIEKABOWSE on November 27, 2012, 12:40:28 am
Supported! GL Snape! Very mature player, known to (well, to me at least haha) enforce the rules and know them very well!
Title: Re: Moderator Application - SnapeTheSnipe
Post by: sour_dino on November 27, 2012, 12:49:22 am
Nice :) Good luck Snape, May the best trusted win.
Title: Re: Moderator Application - SnapeTheSnipe
Post by: FNVcourierjon(SigilStone) on November 27, 2012, 01:14:01 am
Great app Snape, supported! :)
Title: Re: Moderator Application - SnapeTheSnipe
Post by: CazualxGrenade on November 27, 2012, 01:18:11 am
El supporto mate! You're definitely a great role model, and good luck on your application. It's well written.
Title: Re: Moderator Application - SnapeTheSnipe
Post by: SalsaInABowl on November 27, 2012, 01:18:43 am
Great app Snape, supported! :)

Lol, I can't believe you read the whole frickin thing XD
Title: Re: Moderator Application - SnapeTheSnipe
Post by: RuthlessTomato on November 27, 2012, 03:51:09 am
OI ive been a member 4 days longer than you!
As sour said:
Nice :) Good luck Snape, May the best trusted win.
Title: Re: Moderator Application - SnapeTheSnipe
Post by: DJAlphaWolf on November 27, 2012, 04:03:40 am
I'd honestly like to see you as mod (even if for a little while). You seem like a very mature player, someone who obviously enforces that all rules be followed. I think you would do an excellent job.

Good luck and supported.
Title: Re: Moderator Application - SnapeTheSnipe
Post by: SalsaInABowl on November 27, 2012, 05:00:17 am
Thanks for all the support, especially from the staff. It makes me feel confident that I have a high chance at this time.

Edit- From (sort of) merging my first double post...

El supporto mate! You're definitely a great role model, and good luck on your application. It's well written.

I think you would love the little paragraph I wrote for you at the very end by the way :D
Title: Re: Moderator Application - SnapeTheSnipe
Post by: SalsaInABowl on November 27, 2012, 05:12:45 am
[Double Post, sorry. My first one too :P]
Title: Re: Moderator Application - SnapeTheSnipe
Post by: benc117 on November 27, 2012, 08:57:56 am
Title: Re: Moderator Application - SnapeTheSnipe
Post by: zwaan111 on November 27, 2012, 10:26:52 am
supported good luck snape  :)
Title: Re: Moderator Application - SnapeTheSnipe
Post by: Booorad on November 27, 2012, 11:41:13 pm
snape, your one of the oldest trusteds, you deserve it  :) good luck
Title: Re: Moderator Application - SnapeTheSnipe
Post by: KevinNova on November 28, 2012, 01:58:30 am
Supported! I just noticed I live very close to you.  :)
Title: Re: Moderator Application - SnapeTheSnipe
Post by: NathanialJones on November 28, 2012, 02:46:09 am
Definatly supported, your a good trusted, and also 3 other well written mod apps?! You REALLY want to be a mod.
Title: Re: Moderator Application - SnapeTheSnipe
Post by: ComputerGameLPer on November 28, 2012, 03:30:59 am
<Insert Wall Of Support Here>
Title: Re: Moderator Application - SnapeTheSnipe
Post by: EileenNova on November 28, 2012, 03:49:30 am
 Supported!  And if you dont make it I'm gonna protest!jk :P
Title: Re: Moderator Application - SnapeTheSnipe
Post by: SonicHogSpeed on November 28, 2012, 03:33:18 pm
Supported as much as I supported Cazual. You guys should both be promoted if one does.
And yes, I read the whole thing XD
Title: Re: Moderator Application - SnapeTheSnipe
Post by: Nyssa on November 29, 2012, 05:10:58 am
Accepted. Read the moderator guidelines and commands in the staff forum before doing anything.
Title: Re: Moderator Application - SnapeTheSnipe
Post by: joshskiizz on November 29, 2012, 05:15:34 am
Title: Re: Moderator Application - SnapeTheSnipe
Post by: DJAlphaWolf on November 29, 2012, 05:19:00 am
Gratz snape. Your dream finally realized.
Title: Re: Moderator Application - SnapeTheSnipe
Post by: Saeberus on November 29, 2012, 05:47:41 pm
Welcome to staff.
Title: Re: Moderator Application - SnapeTheSnipe
Post by: Winniedoxie on November 29, 2012, 06:27:04 pm
Congrats Snape!
Title: Re: Moderator Application - SnapeTheSnipe (Now SalsaInABowl)
Post by: Nick3306 on January 27, 2013, 01:49:42 am