Currently looks bare but im sure ill see more! Nuce work so far!Yes, skywarrior5599 and I are still in the process of clearing all of the needed land before we allow people to start settling in the town. WE have just begun work on the town wall, and we are needing lots of fences for that, please do donate them i fyou have any :)
It looks better than the other Sandlands :) Keep up the good work!Yes I want it to look much much better than the old Sandlands, and I am admitting that it is now a piece of shit.
in-game name: Sniper7799
what is your rank on opticraft: member
have you ever been banned: yes
if yes to above, paste link to ban history:,BanLookup.html?username=sniper7799
where did you hear about sandlands: from kag
how often are you on opticraft: at least 5 times a week
would you like a plot or a pre-built house: i would like a plot
in-game name: mcmcd33
what is your rank on opticraft: member
have you ever been banned: no
if yes to above, paste link to ban history:
where did you hear about sandlands: kag1999
how often are you on opticraft: almost everyday
would you like a plot or a pre-built house: plot perferably
in-game name:CreepinCreeper69Hello.
what is your rank on opticraft:Member
have you ever been banned:No
if yes to above, paste link to ban history:
where did you hear about sandlands:Mcmcd33 a close friend
how often are you on opticraft:almost every day
if possible, any pictures of you past builds:no pics
would you like a plot or a pre-built house and what size (11x11, 21x21, or 41x41):21x21 plot
In-game name:ivy2112Hello, I was very much not expecting this.
What is your rank on opticraft: Trusted and an other rank on an other server :3
Have you ever been banned: Yes
If yes to above, paste link to ban history: Always hate this :,BanLookup.html?username=ivy2112
Where did you hear about sandlands: I tpa'ed randomly to you and saw the great progress!
How often are you on opticraft: Right now I am bored on opticraft but if I get accepted I have something to do on Opticraft and I come in everyday still.
If possible, any pictures of you past builds: Now working on : , The statues look normal ingame but I think something wrong is with the block codes with in-game and forums :/
Would you like a plot or a pre-built house and what size (11x11, 21x21, or 41x41):41x41 plot ,
in-game name:Sniper7799
what is your rank on opticraft:member
have you ever been banned:yes
if yes to above, paste link to ban history:,BanLookup.html?username=sniper7799
where did you hear about sandlands:kag1999
how often are you on opticraft:all the time
if possible, any pictures of you past builds:
would you like a plot or a pre-built house and what size (11x11, 21x21, or 41x41):21x21(
In case you did not know 1 week is 7 days. You may make another application on the 22nd of Febuaryin-game name: Sniper7799
what is your rank on opticraft: member
have you ever been banned: yes
if yes to above, paste link to ban history:,BanLookup.html?username=sniper7799
where did you hear about sandlands: from kag
how often are you on opticraft: at least 5 times a week
would you like a plot or a pre-built house: i would like a plot
I am going to deny this for now, as the fact of you ban history:and also because of the fact that i have not been previously impressed with you building skills. Do not come up to me in school asking me to let you in, as I will not take that shit, and it will also just lower you chances of me being able to belive i should allow you into this town. You may re-apply for citizenship in 1 week.(click to show/hide)
Have a nice day :)
Town Owner
it has been a weak
kag it has been a week
No it hasn't -_-thank you for clearing that up, some very hard math was involved there
A week from Feb 11 is Feb. 18
I am very happy to make this post that the Sandlands wall is now completed :) we now have much more room for citizens so feel free to make an application today!
Have a nice day every one
in-game name:SirNicholas14Accepted :)
what is your rank on opticraft:Member
have you ever been banned:no
if yes to above, paste link to ban history:
where did you hear about sandlands:when kag needed help clearing land
how often are you on opticraft:3-5 days a week
if possible, any pictures of you past builds: sorry no pics but you can come to my /home and take a look
would you like a plot or a pre-built house and what size (11x11, 21x21, or 41x41):11x11 plot please
in-game name: Holy_MosesHello
what is your rank on opticraft: Trusted
have you ever been banned: Nope
if yes to above, paste link to ban history:
where did you hear about sandlands: This post
how often are you on opticraft: as often as I can be
if possible, any pictures of you past builds: I'm just gonna leave you with my PMC pagewould you like a plot or a pre-built house and what size (11x11, 21x21, or 41x41): A plot 21x21(click to show/hide)
in-game name: zwaan111
what is your rank on opticraft: trusted
have you ever been banned: i thingkz so
if yes to above, paste link to ban history:,BanLookup.html?username=zwaan111
where did you hear about sandlands: previous sandlands page
how often are you on opticraft: 3-6hrs a day
if possible, any pictures of you past builds:,16271.0.html, my /home (jump over the trapdoor and walk down the stair)
would you like a plot or a pre-built house and what size (11x11, 21x21, or 41x41): 21*21 plot
in-game name: chinesehorse
what is your rank on opticraft: member
have you ever been banned:nopity nope nope
if yes to above, paste link to ban history:no
where did you hear about sandlands:when trading birch wood w/ kag(j)1999
how often are you on opticraft:a few times each week
if possible, any pictures of you past builds:no
would you like a plot or a pre-built house and what size (11x11, 21x21, or 41x41):do they cost in game money for larger plots?
in-game name:pew1998both accepted i will talk to you as soon as i can
what is your rank on opticraft:Trusted
have you ever been banned:No
if yes to above, paste link to ban history:
where did you hear about sandlands:I keep up with all the upcoming cities, I just dont normally post on their pages.
how often are you on opticraft:About 1.5 hours a day, depending on what I have to do. (Homework, band, ect.)
if possible, any pictures of you past builds:I do not.
would you like a plot or a pre-built house and what size (11x11, 21x21, or 41x41):I would like to see your pre-built houses. Prefurabley a big one that has a few empty rooms for diffrent things.
can you elaborate more on admin, merchant, and builder, like what each does and the responsibilities etc
for applying to admin/merchant/builder
in-game name:
what rank are you apllying for:
what is your current TOWN rank:
what is your current SERVER rank:
place you resident app here:why do you want to step up to <insert rank here>:(click to show/hide)
thank you for bring that to my atention, i will get to that as soon as i can :)can you elaborate more on admin, merchant, and builder, like what each does and the responsibilities etc
for applying to admin/merchant/builder
in-game name:
what rank are you apllying for:
what is your current TOWN rank:
what is your current SERVER rank:
place you resident app here:why do you want to step up to <insert rank here>:(click to show/hide)
in-game name:PorcupineParade
what is your rank on opticraft:Member
have you ever been banned:No
if yes to above, paste link to ban history:
where did you hear about sandlands:This post
how often are you on opticraft:at least 4 times a week
if possible, any pictures of you past build:(
would you like a plot or a pre-built house and what size (11x11, 21x21, or 41x41):I would prefer a 21x21 plot but if you cant do that i will just take a 11x11 plot.
More images:
Ok its great that your town is now fully populated but its been over a week and the town has a few small houses and when you walk further the majority of your town is covered in wide open gigantic spaces that haven't even been touched by the recipients and it has already been a week and a half already and there has been no sign of construction on those plots. You guys have really got to make a stricter resident policy when it comes to being active.I understand your concern, but how DID you walk out of that small hut thingy when you tp to the town... or did you /home to one of our resident's home and walk around from there? lol just curious. :) And also back on topic, some of our residents already have bases elsewhere(well i assume they do anyways), and it takes a long time to move, but gradually, our town will be more active. :D
Hoping that this issue will get resolved
Ok its great that your town is now fully populated but its been over a week and the town has a few small houses and when you walk further the majority of your town is covered in wide open gigantic spaces that haven't even been touched by the recipients and it has already been a week and a half already and there has been no sign of construction on those plots. You guys have really got to make a stricter resident policy when it comes to being active.I understand your concern, but how DID you walk out of that small hut thingy when you tp to the town... or did you /home to one of our resident's home and walk around from there? lol just curious. :) And also back on topic, some of our residents already have bases elsewhere(well i assume they do anyways), and it takes a long time to move, but gradually, our town will be more active. :D
Hoping that this issue will get resolved
P.S. I am only a resident of Sandlands and this is only my point of how things work :)
Kag /cmodified the door in the entryway but the warp address changed so i had to use the /home of someone else to get there
As soon as i can get on my computer i will be redoing the front page of Sandlands. Look for some changes! :Dsame lol.
Also I apoligize if i have not been online much to help, i have been focused on the building competition :)
please dont post in here if it is not relivent to the town. If you want to have an engaging conversation with me we can spam up another topic :)As soon as i can get on my computer i will be redoing the front page of Sandlands. Look for some changes! :Dsame lol.
Also I apoligize if i have not been online much to help, i have been focused on the building competition :)
in-game name:
what is your rank on opticraft:member
have you ever been banned:yes
if yes to above, paste link to ban history:,BanLookup.html?username=sniper7799 (,BanLookup.html?username=sniper7799)
where did you hear about sandlands:You and sky
how often are you on opticraft:12 hours a week
if possible, any pictures of you past builds:no
ouse and what size (11x11, 21x21, or 41x41):21x21
Hello, i am going to accept this because i have made a plot for you and you have been waiting to re apply for a while now.arnt apps closed??
i will show you your plot next time i'm on.
thanks, skywarriorin-game name:
what is your rank on opticraft:member
have you ever been banned:yes
if yes to above, paste link to ban history:,BanLookup.html?username=sniper7799 (,BanLookup.html?username=sniper7799)
where did you hear about sandlands:You and sky
how often are you on opticraft:12 hours a week
if possible, any pictures of you past builds:no
ouse and what size (11x11, 21x21, or 41x41):21x21
Hello, i am going to accept this because i have made a plot for you and you have been waiting to re apply for a while now.arnt apps closed??
i will show you your plot next time i'm on.
thanks, skywarriorin-game name:
what is your rank on opticraft:member
have you ever been banned:yes
if yes to above, paste link to ban history:,BanLookup.html?username=sniper7799 (,BanLookup.html?username=sniper7799)
where did you hear about sandlands:You and sky
how often are you on opticraft:12 hours a week
if possible, any pictures of you past builds:no
ouse and what size (11x11, 21x21, or 41x41):21x21
Aw... shouldn't people who are denied not get a spot to hold plot space? I applied, and Kag said there were no more 21x21, and i figured 41x41 would cost way too much, so i had to stick with 11x11 D: No worries though, just stating something :)
o dang I just made my app then noticed they were closed :/ I wanted to join D:
what if I slipped u a dollar ;Dim sorry i dont accept bribes :P
Kag, when are you gonna update the front page? like about merchant, builder, admin etc because i waited for a ppretty long time. And also add SirNicholas14 as Sandlands Military Peacekeeping forces General? idk
The town is hereby handed completely over to skywarrior5599. He is your new owner. Goodbye everyoneAre you leaving?
Sadly I am. Just read this (,16886.0.html).The town is hereby handed completely over to skywarrior5599. He is your new owner. Goodbye everyoneAre you leaving?
Glad you're back, I've always liked this cityThanks FNV, its good to be back :)