Opticraft Community
Discussion forum => Applications => Classic => Archives => Rejected => Topic started by: Informer21 on April 29, 2011, 09:09:02 pm
Name: My name is Joe Smith
Age: I am 27 years old.
Location: I am from Charlotte, North Carolina
Timezone: My timezone is Eastern.
Join date: I joined the server around the 22nd of April. I don't have the specific date. But I already was promoted to Recruit and now trying to seek a higher authority.
Forum Join date: Today I just joined the Opticraft forums which is April 29, 2011.
Current rank: I am currently a recruit, but please don't let that keep me from being approved. I am very mature and ran many guilds, clans, and gaming servers in my past.
Reason for application: I would like to join your ranks in helping the server become the number one server for Minecraft classic. I would also like to keep a safe and fun enviroment for all players and ban those pesky griefers!!!
Why you should become an operator:
I believe I can be a great asset to the company and it's servers. I have a lot of free time so I am always online. I want to further myself in the Classic version of Minecraft. Although I started only a week ago and I am very talented in the game already. I know how to run a server from A clan I had joined and started with a friend back in 2003 and lasted until 2009. We then went to World of Warcraft which we created a few guilds and successfully beaten all content.
Have you been temp-op before?: No I have not been a temp-op before, if you can possibly put me as temp-op I can show you that I am trustworthy and very mature when it comes to gaming.
Extra information: I am also a independent business owner. I run and operate http://www.airsofteverything.com and http://www.gamespa.net
I am very professional at what I do and I strive to be best at what I do 110% all the time.
I hope after close evaluation that you will choose me as an operator for your gaming servers.
P.S. In this post I will be including screen shots of my great structure. I had spend 20+ hours on this building (no lie) and still working on it right now. (April 29, 2011 at 4:45pm Eastern time)
Thank you
aka in-game
Thats just a few I will post the rest later tonight. As for now I will continue my project.
You can view my building on server guest96
I like this guy, he plays WoW.
On trial
I love how this guy proves its possible for a recruit to potentially become a builder. I though that was impossible but he proved me wrong!
Hope to see you become a permanent op Informer good luck :)
Yeah, tbpb? What a boss. This guy is so professional and i predicted if any recruit would get it, it would be him.
Good Luck.
Congratulations man!
It seemed there was something about you.
Good luck on your trial!
Good looking work. But let me point some things out
1. On his /stats it says he joined April 27, 5 days ago from today (May 1st). Correct me if I'm wrong, but you have to wait 3 days in between ranks.
2. Where is this guy's builder application? Was it mysteriously lost?
3. Why was Mort so quick to put him on trial for op?
2. Where is this guy's builder application? Was it mysteriously lost?
If you read his app, he was never a builder.
2. Where is this guy's builder application? Was it mysteriously lost?
If you read his app, he was never a builder.
So, we have an op who was never a builder? Thanks for my 4th point.
2. Where is this guy's builder application? Was it mysteriously lost?
If you read his app, he was never a builder.
So, we have an op who was never a builder? Thanks for my 4th point.
The OP app never says you have to be a builder before being an OP.
Hmm, I suppose I just assumed that chronological order made sense...
2. Where is this guy's builder application? Was it mysteriously lost?
If you read his app, he was never a builder.
So, we have an op who was never a builder? Thanks for my 4th point.
The OP app never says you have to be a builder before being an OP.
true but i remember 1 time a recruit tried 4 OP and got told to become a builder 1st
yes that happened to ME
raul said it to me
yes that happened to ME
raul said it to me
Raul has nothing to do with operator apps.
yes that happened to ME
raul said it to me
Raul has nothing to do with operator apps.
yeah i no that but he still said it to me
yes that happened to ME
raul said it to me
Raul has nothing to do with operator apps.
yeah i no that but he still said it to me
Then you got me wrong. I never said that you aren't allowed.
I just said it's best to get builder first because you get involved more in the community, and the people trust you more.
If you do or don't want to apply, that is your choice.
1. On his /stats it says he joined April 27, 5 days ago from today (May 1st). Correct me if I'm wrong, but you have to wait 3 days in between ranks.
(Guest - recruit [No day requirement]) (recruit - builder [3 day requirement]) (builder-crafter [No day requirement i believe]) (recruit/builder/crafter - op [No day requirement i believe])
The only wait requirement between each promotion is a simple 3 day wait from Recruit to Builder. Other then that, it isn't a strict system like some people are making it out to be. Everyone gets an equal shot at becoming OP, recruits included. In the end it is admin's decision as to whether we think they are capable- and it happens to be that recruits usually don't get it because we don't know them very well.
In Informer's case, he clearly has loads of experience, not to mention age and maturity. It was not a hard decision to put him on trial.
The only wait requirement between each promotion is a simple 3 day wait from Recruit to Builder.
Yes... But I heard some people say you don't have to wait 3 days to become a builder. I still think waiting 3 days is a good thing.
Where are you informer? ??? I haven't seen you in a while :( I like you a lot!
Unfortunately, rejected.