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Topics - MephistOscrales

Pages: [1]
Support / Lil' help with Optifine
« on: August 14, 2012, 09:47:59 pm »
So I downloaded Optifine, and looked up an installation vid on youtube.  A bit out-dated, but I figured it'd be basically the same process.  Apparently I've lost my MC folder though...  Can't find it anywhere.  I've never used any mods so far, except for a handful of texture packs, none of which I still use.  I also downloaded MagicLauncher a few weeks ago, but haven't used it yet.  Any pointers on an easy way to install Optifine?

Introductions / Newbie Opticraft Love.
« on: August 14, 2012, 12:52:09 am »
Hello to the world of Opticraft!  It's been a pleasure so far to be a part of this server.  After the fall of Lego Universe, me and my Lego refugees have been spread across the internets in search of a fitting place to rebuild.  Once I checked out the Opticraft server, I felt like I'd found a place for us to re-connect.  As we start to move in, we're really digging it and are super pleased to be a part of the community.  So I guess I'm just here to introduce us and "meet the neighbors".   ;D

So hello and how ya doin' from:





and the special celebrity, non-Lego addition of... B1ueJ0ker and his brother DustinGibson!

See ya in the Optiverse!!!
                                      Mep  8)

Support / MephistOscrales as a member.
« on: August 14, 2012, 12:45:35 am »
Hey guys.  I've been messin' around on Opticraft since about April, and I've signed up as a member here on the website!  However, although the top right corner of my screen displays the warm welcome of: "Hello MephistOscrales", I still show up as a guest on the server when I play.  Signed out, in, out, in again...checked my spelling and everything, but still don't seem to be showing up as a member.  Is this a weird computery type glitch thingy?  ...or am I just doing it wrong?   :P

Thanks,  Mep

Pages: [1]