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Messages - Felix

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 9
Accepted - Project/HOF Applications / Re: Project Protection - Ham Co.™
« on: September 16, 2013, 06:55:10 pm »
100% support this application for protection - Hammy has done some extraordinary work on the place & it's always a shame to hear that someone has take liberty and stolen items!

Good luck Hammy - You deserve it!

General Discussion / Re: /helpops that make the staff groan.
« on: September 16, 2013, 03:37:35 pm »
In no particular order and the names have been omitted to protect the stupid/silly/amusing

  • "Can I haz Trusted" No!
  • "I died & lost my stuff, can you replace it?" No!
  • "Why did you ban my friend" I didn't!
  • "My cake is gone, can you give me a new 1?" No!
  • "I think it was me, but can you see who broke this" Seriously? You mean you don't remember if it was you or not? WOW!

Server News / Re: Market Update
« on: September 13, 2013, 11:48:21 am »
@ Lando_V

I'm not going to reply to the majority of what was written, otherwise we're just going to be going round in circles here with both differences of opinion.. But what I will say is...

A/ I know how much work goes in to gold and iron farms, I have;
1 gold farm in the Nether
1 gold farm at New Arenae (inside a Cathedral type build)
1 iron farm with 8 villages at my dockyard (out at sea)
1 iron farm with 1 village at New Arenae (inside a sphinx)
1 iron farm with 1 village at my secretbatcave (high up, almost out of sight)

B/ I am the last one to "complain about the lack of space on the server" I have taken up so much space on all 3 worlds (Arenae City/New Arenae City/Large Dockyard/Loads of Ships/An Airport/3 places in the Nether/20 story Enderman Farm/a large area in the member world with village and villager shop to name a few) it's getting beyond a joke.

The point that I am getting at is: So what about all the work/effort/time put in to make these easy money structures... The market is now modified and we should get over it, move on and build something else - And if 'other' modifications are needed to be implemented in the future, you can rest assured that these changes are necessary for the benefit of the server!

Server News / Re: Market Update
« on: September 12, 2013, 12:10:14 pm »
I'm only going to comment on the responses by Lando_V on my previous post in this thread and only directly answer those points addressed to me and not the rest - I will try to keep my responses brief where possible and try not to bore everyone to death in the process - and of course mainly 'cos I cba with the responding to the rest of the post!

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Server News / Re: Market Update
« on: September 09, 2013, 03:17:04 pm »
Delighted to hear this news - Good move Nick!

I've always disliked the idea of being able to make shed loads of money from HUGE farms for very little effort..

Not only do they stretch the distance between the "haves" and "have-not's", they take up too much valuable space on the server and you've got to admit, they're pretty damn ugly too.

Offtopic / Re: Your Username?
« on: August 31, 2013, 01:52:36 am »
Mine was virtually a copy from the DJ Felix Da Housecat (who took his name from the cartoon Felix the Cat) - I didn't much like the cartoon, but used to listen to Felix quite a lot, until Tiesto nuked the dance scene with his tunes. But I couldn't hardly call myself Tiesto now... could I.. haha

My other game names are
1st acc... Rusty_Bullethole (Americas Army & World of Tanks)
recent acc.. Rusty_Bullet (World of Tanks)
because of a: my age, b: bullet holes & c: I can be a bit of an arse... (so I've been told)

So yeah... Couldn't use them, So Felix it was :p

Support / Re: Messaging not working
« on: August 23, 2013, 08:04:26 pm »
It is working, maybe just a slow connection, I received about 10 mails from you

Ban Appeals / Re: [Felix_De_Kat] iceblaze123 Ban Appeal
« on: August 22, 2013, 09:56:23 pm »
This appeal is a complete pack of lies from beginning to end, if I was a lesser person I wouldn't know where to start.

Your first ban (from me) was for your offensive behaviour, not towards the server, but directly at a community member.
Ban appeal 1 (01 July 2013)

At this point I said quite clearly:
"I will unban you on this occasion, but I want to make this point VERY clear;
If I see one racist or inappropriate comment from your account directed towards another member of our community (from you or 'your friends') and I WILL life ban your account without a second thought!

Please take heed and do not let this happen again."

then a couple of weeks later...

Ban appeal 2 (19 July 2013)

and at this point I said to you:
"it is obvious that you do not play well with others and therefore are no longer welcome in our community. It is for this reason (& this being your fourth ban in total) your ban will remain in place."

From your obvious denial and fabrication of account, I am not in the belief that you have in fact learnt anything from this experience and will try anything to get back on to Opticraft, quite possibly with the same intention of abusing our community members - We do not appreciate your offensive racist language!

Come back in 6 months (or so) and I MAY reconsider the situation (or not).

Appeal Denied!!

Offtopic / Re: The Opticat Staff Team
« on: August 11, 2013, 11:38:18 pm »
Good stuff Zera - Have placed mine in the left hand thing over there

When I said tank.. I meant this...

... but it's all good :p

Thank you :)

Ban Appeals / Re: (Zeradeth_) Ban Appeal by Blocky_the_Block
« on: August 11, 2013, 05:50:22 pm »

As your ban has surpassed its limitation, I have locked this thread as it isn't really a ban appeal.

But, thank you for taking the time to publicly express regret for your actions and welcome you back to the community!

Introductions / Re: Hey everyone!
« on: August 01, 2013, 11:40:42 pm »
Hello Tobs... Welcome to Opti

Ban Appeals / Re: [Banned by 2crzy4uall] Noptic Appeal
« on: July 28, 2013, 08:29:47 pm »
As 2crzy is on leave at the moment and that 4 (not 3) months is a long time to be banned for this offence I will take charge of this ban.

All we ask is that you respect the Opticraft rules and there is a time and place to advertise 'other' servers - And that is not whilst taking advantage of the service that Opticraft is providing you, free of charge.

As this is your first offence I will unban you, but please respect our 'NO Advertising' rules in future.

Welcome back!

Ban Appeals / Re: [crippnfeet] pieter10felten banned
« on: July 27, 2013, 11:04:20 pm »
I have unbanned him on Crippenfeets behalf just now

Ban Appeals / Re: (Felix_de_kat) iceblaze123
« on: July 19, 2013, 09:31:04 am »
Hello Iceblaze123

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ok, so this is pretty much going to be the same response as your last ban appeal response..

The severe racist & homophobic comments from your account were expressed solely towards an individual within our community.

I do not believe you were hacked, I do not believe someone came on to your account without your permission and I do not believe that you have the slightest remorse or have indeed learned anything since I banned you the first time.

Again.. Racism of any type, or homophobic comments of any kind are not acceptable in any shape or form either in society or within the gaming community and must be dealt with, with swift, firm and appropriate action!

Your account is your responsibility and therefore the blame lays squarely at your feet alone.

As this is your second ban for the same offence (Previous appeal) it is obvious that you do not play well with others and therefore are no longer welcome in our community. It is for this reason (& this being your fourth ban in total) your ban will remain in place.

Appeal Denied!

Ban Appeals / Re: [Felix_De_Kat] iceblaze123 ban appeal
« on: July 01, 2013, 04:43:20 pm »
Hello Iceblaze123

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There was absolutely no confusion on my part - The severe racist comments from your account were expressed solely towards one individual within our community and no-one else. I am therefore not entirely convinced that your friends would have known their ethnicity without, perhaps, the knowledge of someone who has/had played on the server for a period of time.

The community member who was viciously attacked was obviously unexpectedly very unhappy with the assault made against him - Racism of any kind is not acceptable in any shape or form and must be dealt with, with swift, firm and appropriate action as it is one of the most disgusting actions that a person can commit against another!

Your account is your responsibility and therefore the blame lays squarely at your feet alone.

I will unban you on this occasion, but I want to make this point VERY clear;
If I see one racist or inappropriate comment from your account directed towards another member of our community (from you or 'your friends') and I WILL life ban your account without a second thought!

Please take heed and do not let this happen again.

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