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Messages - Felix

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 9
Ban Appeals / Re: (Igen Crunch*) Crippnfeet hacked ! :(
« on: June 12, 2013, 11:15:30 am »
Done :)

Projects and Creations / Re: Community: City/Town Registry (list)
« on: May 19, 2013, 03:57:26 pm »
The list needs updating still I'm afraid... In the Golden Nations spoiler - Both Arenae & New Arenae have City Proetection - I know it's just a little icon, but still... :)

Ban Appeals / Re: [Felix_De_Kat] Not Griefing Redstone Farm
« on: May 18, 2013, 11:07:29 am »
Hello spyx492,

I banned you permanently back in December in an attempt to get you to appeal sooner (as this was your 3rd ban), as you didn't I left the ban in place.

As your ban time has expired I have removed the restriction on your account and you can now log back in to Opticraft.

Please ensure that you fully understand the no griefing policy whilst on the server.

Ban Appeals / Re: [CONSOLE] camo5670 Ban appeal
« on: May 17, 2013, 09:54:12 am »
Hello camo5670,

You were banned automatically by a grief trap which has a mandatory 7 day ban duration.

During these 7 days please take the time to re-read the Opticraft rules.

I have deleted you other post "MC is Awesome" as it wasn't necessary. We know it is ;)

Congrats buddy - Well deserved!!!

Many thanks - I appreciate you taking the time to do that for the City!

Also thank you for considering the City to be good enough for the YT channel!! I most certainly would agree :)

Offtopic / Re: How about some pictures. :P
« on: May 14, 2013, 08:33:48 pm »
also, its not good to post photos of yourself in a bikini on public forums.

Dang, I was just about to upload one of me in my bikini.... ohh well

Second thoughts.... eughhh... maybe it's for the best

ohhh... ok.... I'm on the left

I have moved this back to the applications list as I would like to submit an further application to extend the current region size of New Arenae City due to the increased development.

On the image below there is a:

  • Blue line - This line is the existing protected area.
  • Red line - Where I am proposing the extension of the protection.

At the city I have erected columns at each of the 4 corners of the City and one extra (dog legged) column on the Southern edge of the river (where it meets Proush's farm) with torches as direction marker points for both ease and appreciation.

There are no conflicts with the borders of the two neighbouring Cities (Italian_Crafter's or Proush's) as they are currently (and will be again) added to the region.

Many thanks in advance for your consideration!

Projects and Creations / Re: New Arenae City
« on: May 10, 2013, 11:53:03 am »
Uploaded a new video on to YouTube with a quick 5 minute walk around of the city touching on some of the different aspects of the build.

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>
(If not shown on the forum, Click Here)

Visit my YouTube channel
Comment, Rate & Subscribe :)

Ban Appeals / Re: [Complicated_Name] RisKyZMC Ban appeal
« on: May 09, 2013, 06:56:17 pm »
Done :)

Ban Appeals / Re: [Felix_De_Kat] Droy09 Ban Appeal
« on: May 07, 2013, 10:31:25 pm »

Not entirely sure if you're Cory_s, droy09 or the same person, but I'll address this primarily toward droy09...

It doesn't matter how many blocks Droy09 has griefed compared to another player. Droy09 has been banned 6 times and the last being quite substantial at 271 blocks.

6 bans takes some doing and shows us that Droy09 has absolutely no intention of following the Opticraft rules.

If you are in fact Cory_s - You're ban time has already passed and you are no longer restricted and are able to "play on the best server" with your friends;,BanLookup.html?username=CORY_S

Support / Re: Need serious help here!! - Bad Video Card Drivers
« on: May 04, 2013, 01:00:17 pm »
Ask Felix to help u. He helped me with the problem that uhave!  :D

I can only suggest what I suggested to ✪haq1✪ on her thread regarding video card issues and it worked for her, so maybe...:

(click to show/hide)

What kind of video card do you have? Ex: Intel (Most common), AMD (Radeon), Nvidia(GeForce, quadro, ect.), ect.
If intel, then click this link:
If AMD, then click this link:
If Nvidia, then click this link:
If you don't have either of those 3 (the most common used), post back and tell me which one you have, or post back if you are having a hard time updating your driver, or if there is no driver update.

I do not recommend using Freekiller's post as a starter, all you need is a driver update, not a complete re-installation, and the best way to update it is to go to the video card's company website and download an updater from there.
Note: If your video card can not run the game, then that is what is causing the crash and you'll need to get a better video card.

Ban Appeals / Re: [Felix_De_Kat] TheEnderSlay3r Ban-Appeal
« on: May 02, 2013, 08:01:32 pm »
Hello TheEnderSlay3r,

We're just going round in circles here...

Rail and glass do not spawn in the Nether naturally as you are well aware. It doesn't matter if it was protected, abandoned, led to anywhere or not. You can clearly see by the images that someone else had placed it, you broke them without permission, the proof is there (in the images) before your very eyes. If it isn't yours.. Do not touch it and always seek assistance from a member of staff if unsure.

All you have done in this appeal is to show very little remorse for your actions, try to deny it or talk your way out of it.

You will need to wait out your ban and please ensure that when you come back, you fully understand the rules whilst on the server.

Appeal denied

Ban Appeals / Re: [Felix_De_Kat] TheEnderSlay3r Ban-Appeal
« on: May 02, 2013, 12:46:30 am »
ok... If you would like to peruse the images and offer an explanation after that please

Click HERE to see my Screenshots as I moved down the track - or Click HERE to watch a Slideshow

You can see quite clearly the blocks counting up as I moved along the track, some images were taken before I had undone what you had done, some were taken after - You can also see quite clearly in a lot of the images that you in fact did not replace anything - The only items that you placed were Nether rack in some strange places, like on stairs, or random blocks above sections of track..

Ban Appeals / Re: [Felix_De_Kat] TheEnderSlay3r Ban-Appeal
« on: May 02, 2013, 12:05:37 am »
Hello TheEnderSlay3r,

Unfortunately for you, logblock doesn't lie. The griefing took place on the 28th April around 19:06hrs (server time) - This wasn't that you had broken them twice, this is that you broke them or placed the nether rack and this was definately no accident... You took rails in sections, moving further down the line before ripping more up...

I can provide 16 screenshots if you prefer?

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