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Messages - quinn

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / Re: Heres what happened
« on: May 05, 2013, 06:09:01 pm »
2crzy, why aren't you listening to me?  I would NEVER let my brother on my account, but he sneaked on anyways and now i'm getting banned for it and it seems like no ones even bothering to listen to me, which doesn't seem fair.  Please UN-ban me!  I didn't do anything. :'(
-(from Cheezit/ Creeper_Cute)

Ban Appeals / Re: Heres what happened
« on: May 05, 2013, 06:07:15 pm »
2crzy, why aren't you listening to me?  I would NEVER let my brother on my account, but he sneaked on anyways and now i'm getting banned for it and it seems like no ones even bothering to listen to me, which doesn't seem fair.  Please UN-ban me!  I didn't do anything. :'(

yes, it isn't really her fault
Edit: if at all, ban me instead.
Edit 2: I'm sorry if I am making this an inconvenience, but please just let creeper_cute back on the server! She loves it, and spends a lot of time building and playing on it. She never did anything wrong. So just let her go!

Do not triple post - Merged posts.

accidentally logged on. she forgot to log off last time she was on this computer.

I accidentally logged on to her account to see if I was unbanned. woops. Creeper_cute was unfairly banned.

Ban Appeals / [Zeradeth_] theepicness2 Appeal
« on: May 05, 2013, 04:18:24 pm »
As you might remember, I was banned by you for griefing. On February 15th, 2013, I stole 29 blocks from Swansil, and I regret making that decision. For reference, I have a link (,BanLookup.html?username=theepicness2) to this page. Hopefully, you have a kind enough heart to unban me.
Sincerely, theepicness2

Pages: [1]