Greetings from the far North! You can call me Throe. My tag on the server is Throe82.
Interesting facts about me: I am a former Staff Sergeant in the United States Air Force. I'm a certified Canon Copier Technician(copier repair dude). I can see the Arctic Ocean(specifically the Chukchi Sea) from my front porch.
Share your skin: I haven't made a personalized skin yet. Still using the same default skin I first had on singleplayer(I have purchased the game).
Grammar: Not sure what to say about this. I try, most of the time. It's a respect issue for me. I respect everyone at least enough to make myself easy to understand. The only time I use poor grammar or 1337 shorthand is when I'm making fun of people who really use it to communicate, and when I'm joking around with family/friends.
Immaturity: Has it's place. See Grammar. Mostly only immature with family/friends.