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Author Topic: Operator Standards For Ranking (Recruit & Builder)  (Read 4518 times)

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Operator Standards For Ranking (Recruit & Builder)
« on: August 28, 2014, 08:02:58 pm »
When reviewing a build for Recruit or reviewing a Builder application, it is important to understand what to look for when deciding whether or not it meets a good criteria to be accepted:

For Recruit, a build should be a decent size (e.g. 50 x 50 blocks), have good details, and good shapes (e.g. curves) as opposed to box builds.
Here is just one example of a Recruit worthy build:

(click to show/hide)

Decently sized, good detail, and utilizes curves for the arches and exterior.

Note: There is no set standard for the bare minimum a build needs to be considered Recruit worthy, as that is subjective, but you are still required to use good judgement to decide if it is worthy.

Builder is much more difficult than Recruit. These are builds that really need to stick out architecturally and/or organically. Larger builds, with excellent detail, and utilizing a variety of shapes. Another thing to consider is how many builds are in the Builder application; fewer the builds, the better the builds need to be. A decent amount is around 3 to 5 builds showing the person's skill, but there is no required number of builds.

For examples of Builder quality builds, here is a link to the accepted Builder applications:

Note: As with Recruit, while there is no set standard for the bare minimum a build/application needs to be considered Builder worthy, please use good judgement to decide if it is worthy.

Additional Notes:
  • Sprites and pixel art are not to be considered Recruit worthy nor Builder worthy. There are programs that convert pictures to Minecraft block colors which show how to build them.
  • If more than one person built a build (such as if two people co-built something), the standard, whether Recruit or Builder, is much higher than it would normally be. This is because if two or more people are building something, they should be able to do a lot more than if one person were to build something.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2014, 02:55:21 pm by UnknownHedgehog »