Age: 15
Location:New Jersey, USA
Timezone:est(eastern standard time)
Join Date:of the server? Jeez I can't even remember... But I think it was several weeks ago. This profile was made because of my natural ability to forget a password...
Were you recommended by anyone?: For Trusted rank? I was recommended by ecorrigall and promoted by Wratkie. For Moderator? Not that I know of.
Why you should become a moderator: I believe that I should become a moderator because I like to help things out. I like it when the server runs smoothly and when I know I can have people to rely on if anybody ever wrecks my art. As a moderator, our duty is to know the rules and to enforce them. I believe that I am capable of such responsibity. I have read the rules several times and try(I do) as hard as I can to stay within them. I have had severAl experiences where I needed to rely on somebody and a moderator+ was there for me. I really appreciated it and would love to help others feel the same way. If in fact I do make moderator, it will be my greatest pleasure to say to the other mods and ops who have headaches because of the tickets "Don't worry guys, I got this.". It would be a very happy time in my minecraft life if I got accepted into the ranks of moderator. Not only would I find the time to help players out, I could help other moderators too. Another reason I believe I can take on this role is because I know how it feels to want to quit minecraft because somebody ruined my creation and I would love to be there to help other players with that problem. Anytime that I need to sacrifice game time for moderator time, I will.