Age: 15
Location: SC, USA
Timezone: EST -5
Join Date: March 1, 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: Morrison1996 (hutchinske), TroddenOstrich
Why you should become a moderator: I want to become moderator because I want to assist moderating the server and I love helping people. I am extremely active on the forums and I vote whenever I can. This is my main and favorite server and I have took the time to notice that there are usually zero to three mods when I am on (look at bottom). I want to help with grief and other needs requested by players. I can manage to be on the server a couple times a week for at least an hour. I have had experience on other servers being a mod, admin, and op. Unfortunately, the servers are never up so this well be a new experience for me to have because this server is always up. The member world looks great and I want to help support the community by taking care of it. I believe I am responsible enough to be a mod and I will try to be on more.
Thank you for taking your time to read this.
EDIT: I have noticed there are at least five mods on when I am on.