Name: Oliver O’Donnell
Age: 17
Location: Southern California
Timezone: PST
Join date: 31 December 2010
Forum Join date: 1 January 2011
Current rank: Builder
Reason for application: In order to support our server by helping those who ask us for it. Currently I try to help other players as much as I can. But I am limited due to my current rank. My timezone is constantly brought up as a timezone that needs commited operators and I believe I am a perfect fit.
Why you should become an operator: I have a solid work ethic and am online a lot trying to help out guests and recruits especially with their needed tasks.
Extra information: Since I am from California, and here our time zone is PST, many times I find myself online with a problem and there are no operators online to help. So, I want to be able to be online in order to help, those closer to my timezone, (and everyone else) with their problems.