City name: Diamond City at /home 1matthew2
City location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name): Member world, x=1506 y=764 1colin19, kal289, redvolcano7, Dragonwarrior175.
Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner): 1matthew2
Approximate dimensions: Roughly 100x100 blocks
Number of active residents: Around 6 residents
Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: 8
What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: I have been working on my city alot and trying to make it a bit bigger and more popular. I will continue to work on it as it is still unfinished and new.
Why should we grant this city protection?: I think this city is getting bigger by the week and getting some new residents once in awhile and i think my residents will be very pleased that i have city protection, and so will I.