Name: Alexander
Age: 15
Location: Denmark
Timezone: Central European Summer Time(GMT +2) or Central European Time(GMT +1) depending on the time of the year.
Join date: Saturday 28th May 2011
Forum Join date: Sunday 29th May 2011
Current rank: Recruit
Reason for application: I want to stop the griefers that destroy others work(When i was a guest my work got destroyed several times). And i want to help with promotions because i see alot of people asking for an op or admin to come and see their work. And there are almost no ops online when i am online. Sometimes it can be 1 or even 2 hours when there is no op online. And when i go to sleep and log off the ops begins to come online.
Why you should become an operator: I am helpful. I have helped people with water and lava and i want to make this server a better place for everyone. And i want to fill in some of the gaps i mentioned above. I know i wont be building so much anymore if i become an op, but i think helping people is just as good or maybe even better

Have you been temp-op before?: No
Extra information: I am very patient and a quick learner.