Hello There People of Opticraft, (Lend me your ears!)
Some of you may as well know I have made a similar post to this about 2 months ago but im afraid it has lost its meaning and importance to me and the people of Opticraft...This is about the IRC for the Opticraft SMP Server...
Now for those of you who don't know what IRC is, it is a chat website which can connect to the SMP chat channel and enable you to type and communicate with other people whilst not on Opticraft itself (Cool right! I know!) The point of use for IRC is that people are able to talk to each other whilst someone cannot be present or are unable to play on the Opticraft SMP.
My first encounter with IRC was back on the Opticraft Classic Server when I was unable to go on Minecraft at school so I used IRC to talk to my friends and view the Classic Chat that was being held at the time...I believe this should be implemented into the SMP Chat as I hope there's many people (like me) who wish to talk to their Opicraft friends but cannot use Minecraft at times.
Now I know this has been mentioned before and that Optical is busy with his life currently, but I think that once Opti returns to his Server he can set up the SMP Chat to IRC just like he did to the Classic Chatand enable us to communicate with the Opticraft community more often!
Hope I'm not the only one who would like this and I give my regards to future replies about this Suggestion.
Mitchell (Bahraindude_2497)