Bit of a long story,
So me and my friend, Kurdman899, checked out this wool farm. He went under to see if there was protection as far as i know he didn't see none and he breaks the wool to go inside. Kurdman899 and I are not griefers but it was pretty mysterious so we decided to break the wool and see what was inside. We didn't take anything so we got out. he asked, "where did the wool go?" and i realized that it was build by some form of creative mode. so i go to my home and get some wool to put it back. The it randomly puts back its wool as if it didnt break. we thought it was a delayed Pstone hidden more into the farm itself. So i break it once more and then i get banned. Chances are that i wont get accepted and i understand those circumstances, but hey, its worth a try... BTW, Drunz is looking into this for other mods.