Ok, so I'm hearing lots of people don't like FerrariKing458. StarPujols5 is a name from somewhere, not releasing where or else ima get bunch of invites and stuff. FerrariKing is an alternate if you guys decided not to have numbers. And my big other decision is TrollfaceMcGee. Now a couple nights ago, something happened which I will not announce to keep a joke between me and DJAlphaWolf, but he gave me the nickname TrollfaceMcGee, and I kinda liked the name. I you choose other, post it in a reply. Note that whatever vote wins may or may not influence me to actually get a name unless it's FerrariKing458.
However, the two main names I am REALLY leaning toward are FerrariKing458 and TrollfaceMcGee