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Author Topic: AwesomeAlicia, Chipaton, Codeppman|Alright, This is my final Ban Appeal  (Read 4536 times)

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Hello Opticrafters,
   It is LavaEvan/LavaSpice here with my ban appeal for you. I really like this server, and all of the things I have done, do not be deserving of another chance, but I'll try anyway. I was banned for Giving out a staff member's personal info. That was Extremely wrong of me, and should have never been done, but I did it anyway. I also had few records as disrespect towards staff, and other bans on my evank2911 account. I know it was wrong to create a bunch of ban appeals, but, seriously, I know that falls under common sense, but I am asking you to give me another chance.

My LavaSpice account, I hope, If you let me could be a fresh start with you guys on opticraft. I know, I was probably the most despised player, but, I have played for a long while on this server, and would really like a fresh start. I have also donated on the upwards of $60, and I don't do that for just any server. Here are my apologies to the certain staff that I have disrespected.

AwesomeAlicia- I'm sorry for being a total idiot to you, making idiotic forum posts out of rage about you. You are an awesome member, your super kind, super funny, and a great staff member

Chipaton- Gosh, How much I've done to you. Sorry man. You do make an awesome staff, and I said all of that stuff to you out of jealousy, i mean, come on, how awesome would it be to moderate one of the BIGGEST minecraft servers; Ever.

Codeppman and Ecorrigall- Guys, That was serious, what I did to you... I gave out personal information. And if this ever gets slightly considered, I would love you guys to death. You are awesome, and Cora, your one of opticraft's nicest staff members, slow to ban, and more.

Any Other Staff:: I can't remember off the top of my head what I did, but I know I did something.

Members of opticraft:: I hope that you would welcome me back into your community, and we can make some awesome builds sometime.

Finally, I know I don't deserve this, but I love this community so much, I really just want to start fresh, have a new beginning with you guys, because you all are awesome, and even though I don't treat you like that, I would really want to spend some time with you guys... Even if I was to have as slim as one more chance on this server, that would be totally, and utterly amazing.

Guys, Whoever read this, thank you so much, and please consider this

Thanks So Much,


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Re: AwesomeAlicia, Chipaton, Codeppman|Alright, This is my final Ban Appeal
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2012, 12:46:03 pm »
We said already, you are NOT getting unbanned. Nothing at all would change that.
Also, banned his forum account for ban evading.


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Re: AwesomeAlicia, Chipaton, Codeppman|Alright, This is my final Ban Appeal
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2012, 12:47:20 pm »
You know, yesterday when I asked you if you were LavaEvan, I already knew without a doubt it was you. Yet you lied to me anyway, that's very disappointing and disrespectful of you.

Not only have you disrespected me in the time you've been here, you've essentially disrespected all of us with your pathetic attitude on both the server and the forum. You have multiple bans on both your original accounts (evank2911 & LavaEvan) plus you decided it would be a good idea to ban evade with yet another account. I find it funny how you bought another account, when all you needed to do was change servers and start all over again.

I understand you're sorry for what you've done, but there are times when people need to just move on to other servers. And to be honest, it's your time. We can't give special attention to a few players, if any player is permanently banned then we treat all players the same. End of story.


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Re: AwesomeAlicia, Chipaton, Codeppman|Alright, This is my final Ban Appeal
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2012, 12:49:40 pm »
I guess we're finished with this once and for all.



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Re: AwesomeAlicia, Chipaton, Codeppman|Alright, This is my final Ban Appeal
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2012, 12:57:52 pm »
I think its really codes, chips and my decision, but I'll gladly give my answer. No. You disrespected me, lied to me, attempted to hurt me, and obviously had no desire to play kindly. I'm sure code and chip agree.


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Re: AwesomeAlicia, Chipaton, Codeppman|Alright, This is my final Ban Appeal
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2012, 12:59:10 pm »
I think its really codes, chips and my decision, but I'll gladly give my answer. No. You disrespected me, lied to me, attempted to hurt me, and obviously had no desire to play kindly. I'm sure code and chip agree.
I did consult with chip before posting.
Although I think the answer is pretty obvious :p


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Re: AwesomeAlicia, Chipaton, Codeppman|Alright, This is my final Ban Appeal
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2012, 12:59:56 pm »
I think its really codes, chips and my decision, but I'll gladly give my answer. No. You disrespected me, lied to me, attempted to hurt me, and obviously had no desire to play kindly. I'm sure code and chip agree.
I did consult with chip before posting.
Although I think the answer is pretty obvious :p
Ah, alright XD


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Re: AwesomeAlicia, Chipaton, Codeppman|Alright, This is my final Ban Appeal
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2012, 09:57:12 pm »
i think the answer is pretty clear and as my ban was the last im pretty sure it falls to me for the final decition... but lets think about this logically.... if i was to unban you im pretty sure at least one if not all of the people that have posted on this topic would instantly ban you for their own reasons... i have never seen some one given so many chances.... nor have i ever seen any one do things as dumb as the stuff you pulled it is time for you to move on and find another server... learn from the mistakes you made here and hopfully you can bacome a productive member of a minecraft comunity.... it just wont be on opticraft..... the ban will stay... and by all means spend another $30 and get another account... you will be found out... just like you were here.... so on behalf and with the backing of several opticraft mods ops and members i bid you goodbye
Creepin........Like a boss



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Re: AwesomeAlicia, Chipaton, Codeppman|Alright, This is my final Ban Appeal
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2012, 12:28:02 am »
We just found another account of yours on our server: jtfunrun20. Good luck getting yourself out of this one.

And there goes another account on the same IP: warhog739
« Last Edit: November 06, 2012, 12:36:16 am by Xeadin »