Moderator Application - <CazualxGrenade>
Age: 13
Location: California, United States
Timezone: Cupertino
Join Date: I believe I joined this server in March, 2012, and registered in May 26, 2012.
Were you recommended by anyone?: SnapeTheSnipe
Why you should become a moderator:
Hello, the names CazualxGrenade, but my real name is Andy. I have no ban records, and maybe just some kicks. I am mature, I have a decent typing speed so others don't have to wait so long to have their grief fixed. I would like to dedicate this to SnapeTheSnipe, as he's been a great role model to me, he's also my best friend, and though, we've had some rough times. Sometimes, I spend some time at spawn, sometimes to conversate, and to help others who'd want to be apart of the community. I know the rules really well, and I do try to help others understand it. I know some of the staff, and they are great people to speak with. I like to help out others when needed, and place water for others. Trust me, I am also patient, and try to talk to people smoothly, to try not and freak them out. I'm very responsible, and very dedicated to help out others in a brand new state of view. Again, I dedicate this to SnapeTheSnipe, my buddy, for having this all to happen. Thank you all for taking your time in reading this.
Best Regards,
Sorry for any confusion, little issue happened with someone going on my account.