Hi Im Crippnfeet (aka: Grace)
i am 20 years old
i live in the United States in Utah
I am in the Mt (mountain timezone) or Utah central
i was recommended By: BigBadHenz, Italian_Crafter, joshskiizz, Felix_De_Kat
i joined Opticraft on October 07, 2012, 05:52:53 am
If given the opportunity to be a moderator i would make sure that anyone who was in need of help was helped as soon as possible and i would make sure to not let some people get pushed aside or ignored. i know how it feels to need help on the server and not have anyone on, or willing to help. I believe that it is important that everyone be treated fairly which means i don't believe in favoritism.
I know that being a moderator comes with a big responsibility which i would be excited to take. I am a manager of a department in a retail store so I am trained to deal with arguments and some times unruly people. I am on Opticraft a lot , normally anywhere between 5 to 9 hours a day. I like to get to know a lot of people on the server any way i can. I enjoy helping people with anything i can help with, from the big things to the little.
If given the chance I would like very much to give a back to this server. Opticraft has installed some people and lessons i will keep forever.
I thank you for you time and consideration, Crippnfeet