Name: Mori Rodrik
Age: 14 1/2
Location: Israel
Timezone: GMT +2
Join date: December 30th
Forum Join date: January 5th
Current rank: Builder
Reason for application: I feel that around sometime 13:30 GMT+2 when I log on, I see no operators, a builder or two, recruits, and a lot of guests telling me "Raul, please stop him! He is griefing my house" or telling me "Raul, can I please please please be a builder?" so I try to explain them about the rankings, and they ask me to check their work. I will tell them that I can't, because I am a builder, so I can't promote. Same to people that just tell me "OMG someone griefed my house! Who is it! UNDO HIM PLZZZZZZ" so I use /about, but I tell them 2 write the griefer's username down because I can't undo him or ban him.
Why you should become an operator: Leaving that griefing problem that in which I lost a lot of trust in some operators (Yet I am telling you that it wasn't me) I am very helpful, very trustable, and very mature in matters that must be mature in. Even if I don't have a requested time-zone, I am still kinda bugged by the fact that sometimes when I go on, no operators are on. I am also very active on the forum, helping people or just blending in with the community. (Average 4.3 posts a day)
Extra information: I go on at around 13:30 on weekdays and play 4-5 hours, on weekends I go on earlier and play later.
Edit - Changed the title to what am I supposed to write
Edit 2 (March 11) - I feel that I am more ready and more mature now than when I once put the application, when I put the app, I didn't feel so ready and was still kind of childish and kind of unserious. I see myself now, helping out people as much as I can and help catch griefers, and I say 'Damn, I feel ready'. I also feel that I got very experienced at knowing how to handle guests at their problems because since the last week or so there were a lot of times were I was the only builder+ on, and there are a lot of guests, and I try to help guests as much as I can. Hope you understand me!