Name: Chris
Age: 17
Location: Ontario, Canada
Timezone: Eastern (ET)
Join date: December 24, 2010
Forum Join date: January 11, 2011
Current rank:Builder
Reason for application: My timezone is preferred and I would like to help all with the privileges of operator. For example I would teleport to someone's house being griefed and all i can do with no operator is sit there and watch, with operator it will be my honor to say hi to griefers. Next is I have great tolerance and good temper as I don't normally jump to rage however I do not take griefing, abuse, or rascism lightly, I can't do much as builder but with operator I can give that person the proper punishment for nonsense. I have a positive attitude and wish to make Opticraft Dev a better place.
Extra information: I enjoy minecraft, enjoy opticraft. I enjoy other games (starcraft) but minecraft I must say is one of my favourites.
EDIT: I will 90% of the time help guests when I am at my screen if they call for help, I like helping guests find their way through the opticraft server and have an enjoyable stay.