Name: zoey717
Age: 13
Location: England, Suffolk
Timezone: +0 GMT
Join date: 25/3/11
Forum Join date: 28/3/11
Current rank:Recruit
Reason for application: I think it's time I gave something back to such a well made server. I have seen lots of very good operators but I occasionally go on very early in the morning and see that there is no operators online. It is then at that time that griefers are at their worst, causing mayhem everywhere, spamming the chat 24/7 and nothing can be done to stop them as there is literally no-one to stop them.
Why you should become an operator: In the short period of time that I have spent on this server, I have grown to know a couple of frequent playing players and a couple Operators quite well. I am a trustworthy person who will never, under any circumstance be rude, mean or unfriendly to any players on this server, or any other server.
Extra information: In my time on this server (Which is quite short) I have built many creations including a castle, a train and 4 identical multicoloured towers. I am currently planning on building a miniaturised swinging bulldozer. I know I may seem quite young but I have a very good and creative imagination. I'm a smart person who knows how to deal with people quickly and easily (without causing a fuss).
I hope that you have enjoyed reading my application. I thank you for the time you may have spent reading and I hope you have a think before acknowledging me as an operator, or denying me and have me keep building great sculptures. Thank you for your time.