Name: salvador clemente
Location: Indio, ca
Timezone: Pacific, Canadian timezone
Join date: June 16
Forum Join date: 17
Current rank: Builder
Reason for application: The reason why i'm applying for operator is because i prefer to help anyone that needs help ether to stop greifers that destroy someone's creation or stop anyone from harassing,and spamming people.
Why you should become an operator: Well, i know that there already is a decent amount of operators on my timezone, but there not always on when i'm on the server. I also know that operators are chosen by how mature their applications are. Therefore i think i should be an operator because I've lost so much inspiration to build and i find much more satisfaction in helping this server become more safe and friendly for anyone.
Have you been temp-op before?:no
Extra information: if i get rejected, then i would continue to help this server as much as possible because as i said before, i like to help people on this server
Do i agree with the rules: yes