Name: Nikita_Mile
Age: 14
Location: Norway
Timezone: GMT+1
Join date: August 6th 2011
Forum Join date: August 11th 2011
Current rank: Builder
Reason for application: I’ve been temp-op 4 times, and it was really funny. And I can clearly remember when I was a guest, and my buildings were grieved. I hated it, and I didn’t get the help I wanted all the time, because it wasn’t that many Ops on.
I know how it’s like to be the only Op on. It was really many guests shouting my name, and I couldn’t handle them all at once. So it would help a lot if it was another Op on. And I love to help people, and want everybody to feel happiness and that they’re cared for.
I’m often on, and sometimes, I’m the one only builder on, and the one with the highest rank. That annoys me very much, because the guests need help. I want to help Opticraft to be a better place for guests! (and everybody else ofc
Why you should become an operator: I love to take care of people and help them. That’s what I do
I think I can handle stuff pretty well. I have even helped people when I was a recruit, by placing water, and the same thing when I was a Builder. I cleaned guest world for 1x1 towers too.
Have you been temp-op before?: yes, and it was funny
I enjoyed it.
Extra information: You’re maybe thinking that I’m a boy, but I am not. I’m a girl
I’m often on and I know that I haven’t been Builder for a long time, but I still wanna help. I can take people seriously, and I would never ban/ipban/kick for no good reason. Im also an Admin on 2 other servers, so I know the commands pretty good.
EDIT: I have added some extra information.